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Carbon neutral shipping

Carbon Neutral Shipping

Our shipping services are the most flexible and thorough you're likely to find anywhere. We've set up our site to allow multiple shipping destinations with multiple quantities, even using multiple methods. So if 200 of your brochures need to make it to that tradeshow in Atlanta by Friday, but the other 1,300 just need to be at headquarters in Phoenix by late next week, our shipping solutions are up to the task. You can also choose our mailing services for a portion of your order and have the remainder shipped.
Many of our customers outside the Bay Area have asked whether it's truly eco-friendly to place an order with Greenerprinter only to have it shipped via truck or airplane. To address this concern, we offset the emissions of our shipments through purchases with Carbonfund.org, the nation's leading nonprofit provider of carbon offsets and climate solutions. Carbonfund.org achieves its goals through:

  • Climate change education
  • Carbon offsets and reductions
  • Public outreach

Greenerprinter ships anywhere in the U.S. For orders outside the US please choose the "pickup" option and arrange alternative shipping with a Greenerprinter CSR.

You can also choose to pick up your project from our Point Richmond office at 1003 Canal Blvd. Point Richmond, CA 94804.

Turnaround Time Overview

The turnaround time that you select represents the number of business days that will elapse between the time we receive approval of your proof and the time your job will ship. Please keep the following in mind:

  • Based on the proof option you select, you will either receive a PDF "Soft" proof or a Hard Proof will be shipped to you within 1 business day after we receive your press-ready files. This is in addition to the turnaround time you select.
  • A PDF proof can be approved online via a web link that will be sent to your email. Your turnaround time begins once you click the "Approve" button.
  • Because of the extra shipping time involved, the "Hard Proof" procedure is likely to add 2-3 business days in addition to the turnaround time you select.   We will not begin printing your job until we have the approved hard proof back in our facility.
  • The turnaround time does NOT include shipping time! Please select a shipping method that will accommodate your needs. We cannot guarantee nor are we responsible for the timeliness of 3rd party deliveries (UPS, FedEx, USPS).
  • Faster turnaround is possible. Please call us at 1-800-655-5833 to discuss this with a Customer Service Representative.

Turnaround times can be confusing. If you have questions, please contact customer service either via email at csr@greenerprinter.com or by calling 1-800-655-5833.