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Targeted mailing lists

An efficient (and green) way to attract new customers!

Greenerprinter makes it easy to conduct an entire direct-mail marketing project online. We've teamed up with the country's leading provider of consumer and business databases to offer highly customized list creation right within our ordering process.

Simply select "Consumer List" or "Business List" from the mailing panel on any of these products:  Postcards, Folded Brochures, Catalogs and Newsletters. The list building tool will walk you through the steps of creating your own custom list based on geographic and demographic preferences.

Lists you can trust

Our lists are generated from information that is provided by recognized industry compilers of directories and other sources. These data sources are constantly being updated against NCOA (National Change of Address) processes, so you can rest assured that the list you're creating represents the most recent postal data available. You are guaranteed a 90-93% deliverability rate of the addresses it provides.

Using these highly targeted lists along with our eco-friendly printing and mailing services insures that you are producing your marketing materials in the most efficient, least wasteful, and greenest manner possible. Studies show that direct-mail remains one of the most effective marketing tools available. With Greenerprinter, you can handle all of your direct-mail marketing from a single site, and say with pride that you're doing it with the least possible impact on the environment.


Check out our mailing products